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QUICK TIPS: Safe Riding Bible

Motorcycle safety. Riding safety tips

Riding a motorcycle is not just fun and time-saving, it is probably the height of adventures anybody can have while still riding on the road. Whether maneuvering in heavy traffics or riding solo on a free road, it is important for every motorcyclist to observe certain safety measures in order to stay safe.

To help every motorcyclist stay away from dangers, here are the general guidelines compiled by Siima MotoWear riding Experts that everybody needs to put in mind:

Always be Visible

Due to lack of proper visibility on the road, many motorcyclists have met untimely death and other problems; therefore, ensuring visibility on the road is one of the things every motorcyclist must ensure.

  • Many motorists usually have troubles seeing motorcycles and reacting in time to avert danger; therefore, you must always ensure you are visible to every motorist to keep yourself safe from dangers.

  • Your headlight is one of the parts of your bike that can keep you visible all times; hence, it is a must for you to make sure your headlight is working well and kept on both day and night.

  • To ensure you are visible to motorists, it is important for you to have reflective strips and decals on your motorcycle. You should also have these items on your clothing

  • There are blind spots for cars and trucks, so you need to be aware of these spots in order to safeguard yourself from the possible dangers that may emanate from the spots

  • Slowing down and stopping of bike on the road is essential; however, they have led to the death of many motorcyclists. Make sure other road users are aware you are stopping or slowing down your bike by flashing your break light

  • In some cases, a motorist may not see you; hence, you must not hesitate to make use of your horn in such cases. With the aid of the horn, the motorist will be easily aware of your presence

Dress to keep yourself safe

With or without occurrences of accidents, the way you dress can simply be the only thing that keeps you safe in many cases. You must always bear it in mind that motorcycle has no other form of protection other than your protective gear; therefore, Siima MotoWear riding experts say your dressing is important if you are going on a ride. Resultantly, you need to dress yourself for safety.

  • Put on quality eye protection and helmet that are capable of protecting you in case of accidents

  • Put on bright colored clothing and light colored helmet that can easily allow other road users, such as motorists, notice you and keep away from knocking you off the road

  • Any protective clothing you want to wear while riding a motorcycle must be thick. It is actually recommended that you wear thick leather clothing. To make sure your clothing is even safer, wear gloves, long sleeve shirt and pants, and over-the-ankle boots.

Tested and effective mental strategies must be applied

Though your dressing and visibility can keep you safe to an extent, applying effective mental strategies is probably the most important safety guideline you need. With mental strategies, you will be able to make changes when necessary and keep yourself away from dangers. As described by Siima MotoWear experts, some of the vital mental strategies you must always use when riding your motorcycle:

  • Road conditions change from time to time due to weather conditions, damages and other factors; hence, you need to always be on the lookout for changes that might have occurred to the conditions of the road you are plying. Do not make the grave mistake of getting so accustomed to a road that you overlook changes in the road conditions.

  • You are not the only one using the road, so you need to prepare yourself in terms of space and time to respond safely and adequately to the actions of other motorists using the road

  • In a manner similar to giving yourself time and space to respond to other motorists’ actions, you also need to give others using the road space and time to respond to any action you take while you are on the road.

  • Whether during the day or night, adhere to proper lane positioning to be seen by other motorists. Wrong lane positioning is one of the causes of the demise of many motorcyclists; keep yourself safe by riding on the side of a lane where other motorists will see you clearly

  • You need to be watchful of turning vehicles while you are on the road so as to stop or move when necessary to avoid any form of accident

  • Trafficators are fitted into each motorcycle to ensure other road users are aware of your next move; so use your trafficator to indicate your next move.

  • Some motorcyclists expose themselves to accident due to their constant weaving from one lane to another. Avoid this by keeping to your lane

  • Take precaution and act as if other motorists are not even seeing you. This will ensure you are extra careful while riding along the road. With this, you are prepared for any unforeseen circumstances and you can easily stay out of troubles

  • Alcohols and other drugs have led many motorcyclists to early grave; therefore, do not ride when you are under the influence of any substances. You must also stay away from riding bike whenever you are tired or weak

  • As a road user, knowing the rules of the road is paramount as it will ensure you understand all signals and also stay safe. However, knowing the rules is not enough, following them is more important. You also need to abide by the speed limit to ensure you stay safe while riding.

Train and practice riding

While it is possible for you to assume that riding motorcycle is simple, you must never underrate the essence of training formally, practicing and refreshing your riding techniques.

  • Keep yourself in tune with the techniques of riding by going for formal bike training

  • Ensure you practice riding regularly to hone your riding skills

  • Practice riding on different conditions such as sandy road, wet roads, uneven surfaces , muddy surfaces and high wind road, so that you will be able to ride safely if you find yourself in any of these conditions.

Nobody can keep you safe while you are riding your bike except yourself; hence, you have to do everything within your power to ensure that your safety and that of the other road users are guaranteed. Stay safe while enjoying adventurous and smooth bike riding.

If you need any help concerning safety when riding your motorcycle, contact our experts at Siima MotoWear by visiting our website at or calling us on +(00) 357 97 733 402.



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