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5 of the World's Most Dangerous Adventure Routes

There is a thrill for adventurers to travel and ride upon dangerous routes. For them, dangerous routes comprise of all the narrow, steep, long and difficult routes.

For many of the people who seek an adrenaline rush and are obsessed with doing dangerous and adventurous activities, they often seek out these routes and other activities.

In a layman’s world, a route is something simple; a means to get from one place to another. However, for many others, a route is not suitable enough unless it has you trembling with either fear or rush by the time you are on the other end.

The phenomenon of going on such an adventure is only appealing to some while it is horrific for many others.

Many of the adventurers are risk-takers who love the rush of adrenaline they get by being in life or death situations. Before continuing with the article, we urge everyone to remain safe and use all the precautions they can when pursuing any dangerous activities.

  • Passage Du Gois in France:

This passage is in France along the Atlantic Bank in what is known as the Vendée division. This area of France is known for this route, and while its length of 4.3km or 2.58 miles seems almost pleasant, the added detail of knowing that this entire route gets drenched with water at the rise of a high tide should scare any sane individual.

Passage Du Gois in France

This route when engulfed with this tide becomes incredibly asphyxiating and completely disappears under the water. Due to all of these characteristics, this passage has unsurprisingly become a landmark within France and the locals.

The differences in the highway of this route and the low and high tides reside between intervals of an hour and a half. The distance of 4150 meters is an open area. While this route would not usually be considered a life and death hazard, it can very well become one if the individual planning to travel upon it has not taken note of all the safety precautions or has not properly planned all the details. This is one of the most prominent and highly dangerous adventure routes of the world.

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  • Siberian Road to Yakutsk in Russia:

As apparent by its name, this is a route that connects Siberia to Yakutia. A route that extends to about 1235 km, close to a streaming canal is named after it as

Siberian Road to Yakutsk in Russia

Lena Highway. The use of this route very heavily depends upon the seasons. Due to its location in France, the seasons have a great impact on the route.

It can be useful in winter, but during spring, it simply gets too covered by mud. Closer to Yakutsk, this entire route is so frozen that it is solidified into an actual road. The most difficulty probably arrives in summer as this frozen solidified route melts and everything becomes horrible. This is one of the most unsafe routes, which need extra tools when traveling.

  • Zoji La Pass in India:

This route is one that joins the ever famous Himalayan Mountains and Srinagar. The area of Amid Leh resides among this route. Its height rises to an impossible 3500m and extends for a distance of 9km. Combined with the 11575 ft height of

Zoji La Pass in India

the Mountains combined with the height of the route itself, this is no easy drive. It also joins Ladakh with Kashmir.

This pass is famously known as the most dangerous route due to a compilation of different factors such as the heavy, unbearable snow, lack of ground and boundaries and lastly the terrible winds that keep you unbalanced and in fear of your life. Perhaps the most gruesome thing upon this route is the sight of crashed vehicles; often due to the snow, these vehicles are not even recognizable.

  • Luxor-al-Hurghada in Egypt:

This route is playfully known as a trap however there is nothing playful about this moniker in reality. Being the connection between old city Luxor and Hurghada

Luxor-al-Hurghada in Egypt

close to the Red Ocean this route is an absolute nightmare.

The nightmarish aspect of this route is how the scoundrels and psychological militants residing in these areas watch the streets like hawks and shoot at the oncoming cars and drivers. Due to this horrific act, drivers are advised to keep their headlights off at all times which makes this perilous journey even more dangerous. It is a dilemma that the driver cannot escape, as both situations are incredibly scary.

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  • Karakoram Highway Border of China - Pakistan:

If you are insane and looking for the most dangerous route in the entire planet, this is it. Serving as a border between these two Asian countries, this route spans a course of 1300km.

Karakoram Highway Border of China - Pakistan

An individual can only survive on here with the best of vehicles and the strongest of willpower and stamina. It tests an individual’s limits and brings them to the brink of insanity with its confusing twists and turns. Highlights of this route include severe slides, heavy snowfalls, and avalanches. Go here on your own risk.

Which adventure motorcycle route do you think is the most dangerous one? Leave your comments below.



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