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How Does Motorcycle Self Balancing Works?

Whether you believe it or not, but self-balancing of motorcycles is now a reality to see in the current time. The advancement of technology made it possible for people to experience such achievements from their eyes. The same is the case with the motorcycles, which most of the people might not believe in real.

In the past, we have seen various cars made with technology to be self-driven across multiple surfaces. However, by the time you read this, the advancement might further refine for other aspects too in the car industry.


If we talk about motorcycles, no one will ever believe that it will run without humans' support. It’s easy to understand that cars contain four supportive wheels, making it easy to get natural balance and driving ability. However, a motorcycle can’t do the same task on their own.

The time has changed now, and we are living in an era where self-balancing works in the motorcycles as well. We are not talking about the three-wheeler bike, just like the niken. We are talking about the two-wheeler.


If we talk about the masterminds behind this, so they are BMW, Yamaha, and Honda. Luckily, the Technology of Honda and Yamaha doesn’t require any personal support for the perfect balancing of its motorcycles. However, the BMW technology can ride itself, but it does need some momentum to go. BMW bike can’t do self-balancing when it’s not moving. As you are aware of these manufacturers, let’s discuss more how their technology works for motorcycle balancing.

Honda Riding Assist:

Riding Assist is a concept introduced by Honda to ensure a self-balancing of its bike. In this concept, you can adjust the front forks angle. The steer-by-wire system and motor help the front wheel to work back and forth to maintain the bike's balance. You can’t consider it as a gyroscope approach to handle the bike itself.

All of this relies on a straightforward concept, which is the wheel-base extending feature to attain a perfect rake angle when the bike moves faster. When the motorcycle travels at a slower speed, the wheelbase tends to be tight so that the sharp turns could be handled correctly by the bike itself.

Yamaha Motoroid:

MoToRoid is the concept used by Yamaha for the self-balancing of its bike. You can think about this technology as your lover, who can recognize your face among thousands of peoples and runs towards you.

One of the best things that you can get in this bike is the listening feature. It means the bike can respond or follow your gesture. You can easily make your bike runs forward by showing a gesture.

The outstanding thing about this bike is the primary technology, which lets it enable you to recognize you. For that, the company has used an Image recognition AI system to respond against gestures or acknowledge the face.

If you look upon the appearance of their bike, it will let you experience something robotic. All of the technologies used in this motorcycle were already made before the designing phase of this bike. It took time to design for the exteriors that will best fit with the technology. The technology and appearance of Yamaha motoroid make it unique as compared to others.

Autonomous BMW:

The third and last self-balancing motorcycle in the list belongs to BMW. The bike is not like the above two, where it will work on their own at a uniform speed. It doe require momentum to go forward on its own and stops.

The idea of creating this bike was not supporting any aim for an entirely self-driven motorcycle. It’s only built to check the performances of Systems to get beneficial results to make the future vehicle safer for the peoples.

IF we talk about the creation of this motorbike, so there were few things considered in it. The frame of this bike is made up of a 3D printing process. If we talk about its autonomous effect, so the company utilized the automobiles with Synergies.

The significant components like wheels, swinging arms, and frames were made from lightweights. However, the material carbon was used for the high-strength.


If we talk about the overall working of this bike, you will get to see the bike moving forward, accelerate itself, and also slow down at the desired stop without humans' support.

It’s important to know that the BMW autonomous bike is not all about giving a self-driven or balancing experiences to the bike owners. The bike was designed to make the technology useful for the company to create better future motorcycles that ensure safety, comfort, and advancement.

Self balancing is only one of the many motorcycle technologies introduced the last 10-15 years. What do you think about it? What are the potential practices of it? Leave your comments below.

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