Millions of people all over the world experience and suffer from hearing loss. Yet, it is necessary to keep in mind that hearing loss isn’t simply something that will come along as we age. The noise-induced hearing loss is the 2nd most typical type of acquired hearing loss and this type of hearing loss could be triggered by either a loud and intense spurt of noise or it can be caused by frequent exposure to a loud noise throughout a long period of time.

Excessive exposure to noise can significantly damage the sensitive hair cells within your inner ear, which isn’t dissimilar to the impact of age on your ear. This particular damage can usually lead to permanent sensorineural hearing loss & tinnitus or ringing of your ears.
Dangerous exposures to noise can take place even in the workplace, and in the venues of popular recreational activities. You have to be careful about the leisure sources of dangerous noise such as firecrackers, firearms, power tools, dance clubs, music concerts, sporting events, NASCAR, motorcycles, powerboats, motorboats and many more.
However, it not simply the noise-induced hearing loss which can impact negatively your hearing because things like using cotton swabs incorrectly when cleaning your ears can also cause this problem. But, you should be glad that you have come to this page.
We at Siima MotoWear have done our research for you so you will get these simple but effective tips that can aid you in protecting your hearing:
Make Use of Earplugs When you’re at Work

Using earplugs might be really obvious, but the exposure to the loud noises inside the workplace can result to the noise-induced form of hearing loss. As a matter of fact, 17,000 people in the United Kingdom experience some type of ear condition because of excessive noise in the workplace. Though the employers working in an environment with loud and heavy machines must provide some piece of protective equipment and gear to their workers, the noise-induced form of hearing loss could be triggered by the extended contact to loud noise.
Hence, it might mean that the employees do not realize that they’re at risk of hearing loss.Play this safe and when you know or you even suspect that you’re likely to be more exposed to the loud noise, be sure that you put some earplugs inside your bag or pocket when going to work. This will be good for concerts and other forms of events.
Do Not Use Cotton Swabs when Cleaning Your Ears
Some people are cleaning their ears by using cotton buds and they made it a part of their regular personal hygiene routine. They are thinking that it will help a lot in eliminating earwax. But, this is not advisable.

There are better and easier ways of cleaning the ears. When you are in the shower, allow some water to go into your ears from time to time. Warm and soapy water will help in loosening and softening the earwax. But, also be sure that the water will leave your ears after taking a bath to avoid having a swimmer’s ear.
Minimize the Volume of the Music
WHO or World Health Organization revealed that more than one billion young individuals aged 12 to 35 years old are susceptible to hearing loss and it is because of the recreational contact to the loud sounds. You should make use of the so called 60/60 rule and that is to never listen to songs at a volume that is higher than 60 percent and not for over sixty minutes each day. Also, when possible, choose over-the-ear headphones instead of ear buds that sit directly beside the eardrum.
Visit a Hearing Professional for Regular Checkups

When wearing hearing aids, it is best for you to have regular checkups for each six to twelve months for routine preventative ear cleaning and also to track the progress. Hearing loss is quite a gradual process, so it is best to visit a hearing professional for yearly hearing consultation to make sure that you’re taking action as soon as the symptoms of hearing loss were developed.
If left untreated, hearing loss may have more serious effects on the relationships and on the ability of the affected person to communicate and it can trigger broader issues like mental health. Preventive measures could help in stopping hearing loss from worsening, yet when you are impacted by hearing loss, the hearing instrument specialists can help you decipher whether the hearing devices are suitable for you.
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