There may come a period in your life where you will have to experience riding in the rain. In some cases the standing water upon the road might become considerably deep.
We, at Siima MotoWear have done some research and we provide you with some pointers on how to ride your motorcycle through deep water.
You are on a motorbike, not a vehicle

You have to consider that you aren't in a vehicle that has four wheels and an entire base to hinge on. Instead, you're on the motorcycle that has just two wheels that are very narrow with the back tire being the largest surface touching the ground.
Avoid Excessive Speed
Perhaps the most important thing to remember when trying to ride your motorcycle in the water is that you should avoid excessive speed. If you are going too fast, probabilities of hydroplaning increase dramatically. When you are within a car or truck, there is little hydroplaning and it isn't so bad. But on a motorcycle is whole different movie. You have far less control of the motorcycle and and the probably of crashing is very high.
Evaluate the standing waters, identify an area and follow that course
When riding through deep water, even if it's only 3 inches deep, do not attempt to turn the motorcycle. Instead, you should identify an area that has more shallow waters, or the surface looks more suitable for the tires of your bike and start following that route before you enter the waters so you don't have to turn.

Maintain a steady speed while crossing
Maintain a steady speed while crossing standing waters is critical. Try to maintain a speed that is not too fast, nor too slow. If you go slow you it's easy to slip and fall. If you go fast it's easy to lose traction of your bike and fall. Instead, maintain a steady speed while you follow the path you set in the waters. The weight of your motorcycle as well as the power might play important role while crossing the waters. You might feel that your bike has dramatically reduced speed if the bike is heavy. At this poing you will have to be quick and increase speed in order to bring the motorbike back to it's initial speed.
Other important points
As a rule of thumb is better to be only one rider on a the bike. Remember that riding in deep waters is usually dangerous and you need to be extra careful.
Check the surface below the waters, the distance you need to cover, and the water direction and speed. Don't harry up. Take your time and evaluate the aforementioned parameters. Proceed with caution and always be relax on the handlebars while you maintain a steady course and speed.
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