Dear all,
2017 was an amazing year for us here at Siima MotoWear.
We have managed to finalize and produce what's arguably the most versatile for the riders but extremely complex design for us.
I am talking about Siima Sibirsky Super Adventure suit. The whole 2017 (and a large part of 2016) was mainly dedicated on this suit.
It is with great pleasure to know that the system was embraced by many riders around the world who have seen the uniqueness of this suit.
Riders currently traveling from the cold Alaska, to Argentina, from Australia to New Zealand and from UK to Greece and from Siberia to Vietnam, are all enjoying the advantages of this suit.
I would like to thank each and every rider who has shown trust in us. I will be forever grateful.
I would like to wish a healthy and adventurous 2018. Ride and travel a lot, enjoy moments with family and friends and appreciate what you have.
That's all!
Founder, Siima MotoWear
P.S. Gloves & Boots for 2018? Yes please!